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With Bracket/Special Electrical Entry Direction XCュ XBュ X332ュ Symbol Special electrical entry direction With bracket Seal material: EPDM Installation Options (Mounting Option/Special Electrical Entry Direction) Combinations Special Electrical Entry Direction Example) VXD2 3 2 A Z 1A Z XB A Electrical option Special electrical entry direction Other option With bracket . Enter symbols in the order below when ordering a combination of electrical option, other option, etc. VXD2 Enter standard product number. .1 Bracket is attached as standard with the resin body type (VXD2 3 A0 C D Eュ), so it is no necessary to add XB to the part number. .2 Bracket is packed in the same container as the main body. .3 For the VXD2 7 E to VXD2 9 G, only grommet and Faston terminal types are applicable. XC Special electrical entry direction A VXD2 Enter standard product number. .1 Available for the VXD23 A to 26 D. .2 Bracket is attached as standard with the resin body type (VXD23 A0 C D Eュ), so it is no necessary to add XB to the part number. .3 Bracket is packed in the same container as the main body. XB With bracket/Special electrical entry direction A Symbol A B C VXD2 to VXD2 3A 6D VXD2 to VXD2 7E 9G 90° 180° 270° 90° 180° 270° 90° 180° 270° 90° 180° 270° .3 .3 .3 IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT OUT IN OUT IN OUT IN Symbol A B C VXD2 to VXD2 3A 6D 90° 180° 270° 90° 180° 270° IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT Other Special Options Series VXD 121-1 VX2 VXK VXD VXZ VXS VXE VXP VXR VXH VXF2 VX3 VXA A |