es40-56-ac   51 / 88



49 Series AFM20-A to AFM40-A Series AFD20-A to AFD40-A q e w r IN OUT M5 x 0.8 Float type auto drain (N.C.) Drain No. Description Material Part no. AFM20-A AFD20-A AFM30-A AFD30-A AFM40-A AFD40-A AFM40-06-A AFD40-06-A 2 Element assembly AFM20 to 40 . AFM20P-060AS AFM30P-060AS AFM40P-060AS AFD20 to 40 . AFD20P-060AS AFD30P-060AS AFD40P-060AS 3 Bowl seal NBR C2SFP-260S C32FP-260S C42FP-260S 4 Bowl assembly Note) Polycarbonate C2SF-A C3SF-A C4SF-A No. Description Material Model Color 1 Body Aluminum die-cast AFM20-A to AFM40-06-A AFD20-A to AFD40-06-A White Construction Component Parts Replacement Parts Note) Bowl seal is included. Please contact SMC regarding the supply of bowl assembly with psi and °F unit display specifications. AFM30-A to AFM40-06-A AFD30-A to AFD40-06-A AFM20-A AFD20-A q e w r IN OUT Float N.C. Drain